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Hi. I'm Liz Miner and I'm a Product Manager at PowerDMS. I have been going to the University of Central Florida for the past few years to pursue my degree in Interdisciplinary Studies. My main focuses are Natural Sciences, Social Sciences and a minor in Computer Science. I started off as a Computer Science major where I actually made a Trivia Game in a class of mine for the Windows 8 OS! Through an externship, I landed a great job opportunity at PowerDMS in 2012 as a Junior Software Developer. Through my career at PowerDMS, I've had the privilege of developing the application, working as a Level 3 Support Tech alongside customers as they migrate from a premise application to a SaaS application, a QA Analyst ensuring the quality of the application as we grew to support enterprise customers and finally a Product Lead for the Standards and Training modules of the PowerDMS Suite.

You can see more of my professional career here and my Github account of my Trivia Game here!

I leverage the education I receive at UCF and the perspective-taking skills I've learned from pursuing this degree to better the quality of work I do at PowerDMS and ensure I keep the customer's perspective first. When I'm not at work or at school, I am home with my amazing boyfriend and our beautiful dog Amber, spending quality time. I am really crafty so I enjoy painting, sewing, making jewelry, crocheting, knitting, or anything that keeps these idle hands busy avoiding that devil's playground.


You can check out my Instagram on jewelry making here!



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